Thursday, December 23, 2010

Simpsons Season 21 Repidshare


paseis Wishing a Merry Christmas, Baby Jesus and bring us a little peace in this world so upset.

ask you to be happy, see you next week.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

An Overview Of Jumanji


Here are 2 photos for you to notice how it will populate the zone of "Villa Parque Los Glaciares", which is where our field.
On one side we have another field (fence and gate and door ... just like ours) and then a nice house of those prefabricated sheet. These neighbors appear to move soon: they are a young couple.
the other side we have hosted recently. Here is a marriage greater than the other (with children of our age, who no longer live with them.) This property is material to our taste very nice and kind of a single plant. These neighbors have a dog named Euro and is a rodwailer (how you spell it?).
seems that, as my friend Macri (?)..." Calafate going to be good. "

Saturday, December 11, 2010

High Heels Walking Boobs

seems that there is no physical developments to Gutierrez. That's not good. However pee a lot more control, and that does not require much "care" as before.
His mood is 100% and that tells us is happy. We must remove
walk, along with Espi, every afternoon. Wheelbarrow Here is a picture to prove it ....
also let them place the image of the most feared: the vet!!
Kisses, and family see you soon!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Good Presents For Stroke Victims


Hello friends! Here I share this new magazine cloth dolls NOVEMBER 2010 Christmas special. You know what to do to lower it, click on the image or the name of the magazine and follow instructions on the download page.
I've assembled the tree and decorated the house, not only with gifts of Inter Daiana organized this year and sent me Sara, but also with the goodies you sent me the friends of the past exchanges, plus all other work and dolls I prepared.
My grandchildren love the house at Christmas! Speaking of grandchildren and am doing some presents for my grandchildren, will soon upload pictures of some beautiful dolls to decorate the rooms of girls.
I hope you enjoy the magazine!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How Much Is Serving Of Dried Mango

Guti Happy Birthday Ines

seems a lot of trouble the two girls on the birthday of Jeanne. That's why at times separated them (note to Juani highly controlled by 4 major, and she waiting for the moment to escape again!).
As always, more than ever I can say "I love how the two flea!" Juani
Happy Birthday!! For the next I hope to be there!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Midnight Hot India Time

This bag I made trying to imitate my friend Marisol Magalis , but certainly easier than the wonderful things she does, but with the same style.
I made a bread bag in white and black, with a detail of little flowers fabric in the famous technique of fuxico.
I hope they give me their opinion. The next entry
upload a Christmas magazine. See you soon!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Radio Cb Magnum Manual

Now some of Christmas, and tomorrow, I leave as it is becoming the SAL Christmas, Carolina Wild Years.
As you see is ready for quilting, Pope Noah, it lacks the bells, which I will when this padding.

Entries that I have given are those of the Christmas carol Silent Night ..., instead of phrases in English .

What is what is above the houses?, We went ...

Yes, a dalmatian, I let my child over and had no way to take the picture without him, yes mom that is very cool, dog photo for wing on the roof .. .

stars and hearts, by mistake, the change of place but it is going to stay, as is already done Scallop ...

Hope you enjoyed it, thanks for your visits, and detain a little ... More tomorrow.

Is Patricia Bath Still Married

My sampler particular, I love, as it is becoming, and what I'm learning on Saturday ... at first I wanted to do the waiting, but it was a very large project, to intimidate me a little.

Jacob's Ladder

My first block, but I have to do with the fabrics that the rest do not stick as much ... this and the star of Ohio.

Ohio star

Log Home
This block is already done with fabrics touches. A portion of the log cabin

assembled here and the four blocks, it is unfortunate but not very well appreciated.

grandmother's garden.

I loved it, well they follow me you know I have yet to show you that I have not been forgotten that I was doing so many hexagons this summer, I have not forgotten

Technical American.

Flight Fly

Card Trick

This block has left me orange worse, they are out of square corners , I have to repeat because I do not like has been, I leave so then coparéis ...

Now I'm doing, are the reverse applies, I love how it is running, and sumbonet dolls, a boy and a girl ... (but I have no photos yet in future entries)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Clear Mucus At 39 Weeks


Hello friends! Here is a Souvenir Magazine Christmas. If you enlarge the molds may also make the larger dolls. You know how do to download it, click on the image or the name of the magazine and redirected to the download website.
I hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Does Moncler Have An Outlet Store


Hello friends! Here is a new magazine, Country Dolls No. 86, Communion and Christmas special, because it has many angels. You know how to make click on the image or the name of the magazine and redirected to the download page. I hope you like it and already be preparing for this season.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Does Hot Cheetos Affect A Period?

Another niece! This beautiful ... it was time to present: Inez is the daughter of my very good best friend Mer and my very good friend wanted Marito.
(hey, how many pictures of children'm getting lately ... that scared!)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Can I Use My Shark Mop On Walls?


Amigas, here are the precious gifts that my friend Sara sent me for Christmas Exchange Daiana organized. His work is beautiful, detailed and delicate. Look at the doll with the candle!! And if you could personally see the card in fabric, lace and embroidery on tape that Sarah made for me!! I'm happy! Daiana Thanks for organizing such a nice sharing and thanks for your love in Sarita gifts !!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Watch Salieri Online Free


For parents to be prepared: Camilo is taking sun and much mate, to be ready to receive the girls in December. Know they are very pretty, and do not want to miss the opportunity to meet new friends!
This is Cami, nuesrto Patagonian nephew ....

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Custom Volley Jerseys

Hello friends! I am very very happy because I know who my partner is organized exchange Daiana Christmas. Her name is Sara ( walk through your blog here!) and Argentina like me, and makes a very precious work! To keep the mouth open! I loved Sarita we can share this wonderful experience of sharing Christmas and a unique friendship begins. And we will contact to finalize the shipping!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Shortness Of Breathe Sudden Death


Hi girls! Here I give you a new magazine , this time of Christmas. This magazine not only work but also Christmas gifts for children to prepare. My partner, my granddaughter is Josefina-graduation trip, complete primary school, so I hope that the scans have gone well (I made it without your help). You know, do click on the image and link directly redirected to the download page of the file. Enjoy! See you soon!