Thursday, May 26, 2011

American Bankers Flood


This photo also being taken with great because this movement (which for me is very difficult), portrays a moment of complete joy. Almost
flying, with full confidence that someone is not going to drop, enjoy a hammock Helena Yorker ...
for my children is one of the purest moments of a person. A happy and healthy childhood we shape the future. And this picture, besides the above, for me it is important that: Helena has a happy childhood.
this lice And I love her more every day.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wrestling Songs For Power[oint

happy childhood ....

I like!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cheats For Vba Green For Money


This is my latest embroidery, also a beautiful house and monochrome, you know how I like these designs in a single color. The yarn is dark blue on white fabric highlights a lot. Here embroidery details. take to send a little message to Anasol the blog "Just Me" because I know that I always visit: "I can not write comments on your blog, whenever I visit, I read your posts, I marvel at your work, I loved the pictures mother's day, but not from my computer or from labor nor I can write and have your mail on your blog, I could not comment you all, but though I can not write long way to visit " Thank you all for your visits and comments. Happy week

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Template European Driver License

Ending Certificate of Fitness

Looking Certificate
that has sent me Nanny, Geretenta the EPA (The patchwork slim), to end the aviary, made me very excited ...

Besitos, and thanks for your way through the blog.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Replacing Brake Shoes Dodge Neon

new draw stuff

Finally I can show you photos of my little bird, I had made since least one month, failing to put the legs and the eye to the bird.

Nearer my bird, I really like how it looks.

And this is the first label that I would not have been bad, right?

I still taught things, now plays JAPANESE BASKET ISI, finally I'm done, I struggled a little assembly, and like everything, is improved, the next sure I do best ... I some pics for vosotr @ s mism @ s judge him ...

within, the fabric is very nice, but the picture is not well appreciated ...

One side ....,

This I love ...

And the apples, ...

Well, these things are completed, Now I put some pics of what I have in hand a Dear Jean, but cross-stitch ...

I hope you like it, and thanks for your step, and words are always appreciated, that you spend a good week , sewing or embroidering ... or doing what you like.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How Can You Fake Community Service


This is the lady who plays embroidery Tralala this month and I show the progress I have. I missing thread pitch dark garnet until Saturday did not have in the store so I though I would have loved to finish the moment I can not, so I show it as well. It's a beautiful doll. This has given me mime Cristina is cute, I love it. I leave the link for your wonderful blog that you probably already know and if not, do not miss. Thank you Cristina. I will dedicate it to all who pass by here a while, to thank you all for your visits and your comments.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Christian Song About Body Image

Robert ... Suns

Roberto Sanchez .... the car, they will almost year .... great companion .... Sign
with the people!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Instructions On The Board Game Frustration

I have the good fortune to have as a friend to a designer who is quite an artist called Chris, and is part of the soul "Theresa Lue." Brooches designed ideal, a divine pendants, rings, clothing and some T-shirts with his drawings have a special flair. This shirt is a gift for my daughter and I have another one. See every detail of the drawing, is a doll preciosa.Y the brooch, which I keep in my jewelry because it is cute. Here is a sample of the snaps, each one more original, and all designed by her drawings. and pendants, and earrings ... no words, I like them all. If you want to see everything more closely and buy some of its wonders, this Saturday May 14 will be in Madrid, with another group of designers who have formed a group "I wish it was Saturday." Estais all invited, I am sure you love your work. Thanks for your visits and nice week.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Limousine Licncing In Toronto


These are some gifts that I brought a friend who is an artist with batons. There are some gems I've loved. A divine foulard, a beautiful pendant to match a ring that I have no words to define. Here you can see more detail. And the threads are a marvel of foulard, with different colors and brightness that the photos do not do justice, but surely you can appreciate.

This is a prize of Elia from its pretty garden, which is always pleasure to visit, thanks Elia, you are a friend. Oh and I'm super happy, I won the draw held Loly! He has a blog full of precious works sure all know her but if you have not already visited the link I leave. Loly Muchiiisimas thanks. And thanks to all who pass by here a while.