Sunday, March 27, 2011

Where To Get Fake Ontario Licenses

Happy Days

... With Helena's visit ...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

33 Weeks Pregnant Sore Stomach And Pressure


embroidery These are two more for "Le Casier d'Imprimeur ." Both are Renato Parolin designs. Here, two squirrels, which match with other embroidery which I've shown, such as owls or birds. And here a rose, to welcome this rainy spring Along with the rose, a small sewing machine, miniature, metal, which will in any boxes in the drawer. And here another model, an old iron, also for the drawer. Visiting the Garden Elia I brought a beautiful bouquet and a cute mime from Amparo
Thank you both and thank you very much to all for your visits. Happy week.

Covering Pvc Pile On Pedestal Sink

And the winner is ....

This time, my second competition winner is ... cumpleblog ANAMA .
Stop by her blog to see the beautiful things he creates, his "step by step, and the beautiful crochet!
And get ready for the 300,000 hits contest!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Lymphoma Aching Back And Legs

Japanese bag sampler

Also I am getting this bag, you have some pics of how I carry, I've quilted together the pieces needed now ...

ahead ...

by behind ...
the two together ...
what you think? Will be mono, right? Well come over to wish you a good weekend ... Be good

Benzocaine And Icy Hot

My Cart

As promised, I finally finished installing the sampler, now I have to quilting, to see if for the coming winter and what I have is for the living, to cover us in the winter ... but I think it has been very large, well so we will all close together tapaditos ... now I leave a picture of each block for a better view.

I love the star, as has been.

The lob cabin I changed position, because if you remember in another post was getting cross, and not just like me, does better now?

I have applied, rather than scallop stitch embroidery ...

The fan does not love me ...

another photo overview, not very well appreciated ...

now up quilting, poor fingers ...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Gold Shower In Bathroom? How To Paint?

4 th goal in the draw

Here you have the 4 objective Shopping over, I was waiting for better weather to take a picture with more light, but as clear ... as it is so.
Tell them the rope from the clothes I got an churro, all bent, is that the clothes is very heavy, and up the rope, right?.
Soon I will put a picture of my sampler ... Besitos

P Q=1, Hardy-weingberg

Japanese snow blog

hooola, new draw, ...

lately just show up to inform you of the draw, soon put some pictures of work I've been up to, well, what we were going to mark the second anniversary of his blog, Nieves, is celebrating with us, and gives among other things, a beautiful pinkeep done for her, and a few little things more, know their blog, you know how it works, is a luxury, sign up time is 28.04.2011. Good luck.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ketgen Paradox For Mac


Hi all! Here is a new magazine. This time is the supplement Cold Porcelain Issue 4 of the daily Tiempo Argentino, with very nice ideas and step by step of each task. Is plain PDF to make it down on the image or click on this LINK and follow the instructions. Greetings to all!

Cheat Sur Gpsphone Pokemon Emeraude

The prettier than I remember ....

How To Get Licence In Limousine In Toronto


Here are some more trees for the forest of my drawer Printing. Renato Parolin designs are tailored to your measurements match the drawer boxes. I embroidered red hearts and the tree and the animals in shades of blue. This beautiful mime engaged me and I will Lunas I dedicate all that I devote a bit, especially to Manoly today. Kisses to all and thanks for your visits.