Saturday, January 29, 2011

Entertainment Systems Blueprints


This is the design of C mon monde, A tour dans mon sac, and finished. I love how it is, but now I have to think I'm going to do with it. I have to thank Mercedes For seeing in your blog it sounded. She has done a beautiful fabric bag with a divine heat.
Moreover, Elena gave me the award "Sweet Rainbow" and I have 10 things that make me happy.
1 - The happiness of my daughter
2 - Enjoy the company of my nephews and my family
3 - Enjoy my work
4 - Sitting cross knitting
5 - Visiting blogs my friends and read the sweet comments you leave me
6-Go to my village where I was born and breathe the air and recharge the batteries.
Pictured in the top right you can see the Douro River, separating Spain and Portugal. 7 - Leaning to the lookout, a backwater where time stops and any problems will be forgotten. From there you see the Douro by natural border. From the right vantage point there is this other perspective. This I see from my room in the house of my parents, and I saw a child from the grandmother's house. Do you understand it is the ideal place to unwind, relax and enjoy? 8 - Visiting these places with my husband as the "Well of Smoke ", where water has a free fall of 50 meters on the granite wall 9 - A solitary walk to enjoy the beautiful sunset over the world to me. At bottom, the river Tormes just before its confluence with the Douro and after passing the barrier of Almond. 10-Continue to share these with you all
must pass to 10 friends. I know what happened to Maribel , Elena , Patricia , Rosana , Juani , Rosana , Tita , Ivy , Marta Pilar and because they are the first ten friends who commented on the entry before, but I'd be all that you please what cogais and so we all know a little more.
Thank you all for spending a little time here.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Keratoconus Gluten Allergy


A new magazine Cloth Dolls and Toys shared with beautiful models do. Hope you like it and can hacer lindas labores. Saludos a todas!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cervical Mucus Thick, Marbled With Blood


Finally, I can show you the picture of first goal of the Salt ISI, the first objective, I had to repeat because the first thing I did not had in mind the measures, and did not seam fair and stayed small (2.5cm did not put on the sides), but there is no blessing in come, I will use for a book cover.
thing that has cost me been the hand, and the book, but ultimately I think it has been so bad, right? What do you think?
Kisses ... and thank you very much for your views and comments.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

What Can I Do For A 5mth Olds Cough?

After looking graphics Sajou spellers at the end I decided on this model letter, because I think it ideal size for what I want (I'll tell you soon). I chose the color is blue. At the moment I walk through the M, and I will show the other as soon as you have embroidered.
I hope you like. Thanks for your visits and nice little words.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Buy Vigamox Eye Drops For Cats


Hola amigas! Acá les dejo luego de tanto tiempo una revista Utilisima , esta revis la escaneé antes de las Fiestas, pero no tuve tiempo de subirla. Ahora la dejo para compartirla, aunque tiene algunas labores navideñas, hay otras también que pueden hacerse en cualquier fecha. Espero que la disfruten. En esta época estamos en vacaciones, así que ando con poco tiempo porque además estuve haciendo muchas cosas para el cumpleaños de mi nieto que ya les mostraré.
En breve vuelvo a postear!

What Are Chances Of Sespis After Root Canal


Thinking of a topic for an upcoming project I have in mind, I decided to order: The Forest and the creatures that inhabit it.
Forest Why?
For The United Nations (UN) has declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests. This conclusion is useful to become more aware that forests are an integral part of global sustainable development. And the first
embroidery is a tiny creatures that inhabit them.
Elves are beings of scarce and diminutive stature. They worship nature. Why live so close to her natural habitat are usually forests, although some live in the gardens and the funds of certain houses, since these cute little men they like the company of children as well as the fairies (by purity of heart) to play with them. Are of good character, being almost always in good humor. The goblins are engaged in the task of caring for plants, trees and other elements of nature. Fairies, with its graceful wings that allow shine with grace, living among the flowers, being her favorite purple irises, lilies and bells. Fairies are tiny creatures light protective nature. Through his magic wand emitted sparks plenty of light.

I'll show you other small embroidery on these beings who have joined us and I will tell you that the project goes my head stuck. Thanks for your visits and sweet words. Happy week

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Free Brinks Security Manual Model # 5056

Motor ...

Guti Guti Gutiiiiii

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pokemon Leaf Green Money Hack

4 th and 5 th OBJECTIVE QUAKER

So leaving the medallions are the Quaker, who already know that I decided to do monochrome (how not?) And I like the result, is entertaining and go embroidering this design. Other details of the medallions: This award is called the blog ARTE Y PICO that rewards creativity and art. Dedicated it to me Amparo Thank you!

1) You must choose a 5 blog that you think are deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material and contribution to the blogger community, regardless of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and link to your blog for all to visit.
3) Each award must show the award and put the name and link al blog de la persona que la ha premiado.
4) Premiada y premiadora, debe exhibir el enlace de Arte y pico, para que todas sepan el origen de este premio.
5) Exhibir estas reglas
Me gustaría dedicarselo a todas mis amigas, pero como las reglas son las reglas, yo se lo mando a las cinco primeras amigas que comentaron la entrada anterior:
Juani , Rosa , Inma , Begoña y Tania ¡Es tan díficil elegir 5! Espero, como dice Amparo, que ruede y pronto lo tengáis todas. Gracias por vuestras visitas

Friday, January 7, 2011

Damask Graphics For Wedding Invitations

Another drawing, now in the blog of Claudia, "the work of Li s", go to his blog, to see the conditions, and visit, has some work too beautiful.

Should Your Cervix Feel Before Your Period

Today is another draw of lottery. Dear Kings

Hi, I have behaved as the Kings have been cargaditos sure, because all we have behaved very well .. Right?. Well, now we start with the drawings, Manoli of charming work, celebrates its first anniversary, and celebrates it with this great drawing, go to his blog, to see the conditions. There is time until 18.01.2011 .