Saturday, January 29, 2011

Entertainment Systems Blueprints


This is the design of C mon monde, A tour dans mon sac, and finished. I love how it is, but now I have to think I'm going to do with it. I have to thank Mercedes For seeing in your blog it sounded. She has done a beautiful fabric bag with a divine heat.
Moreover, Elena gave me the award "Sweet Rainbow" and I have 10 things that make me happy.
1 - The happiness of my daughter
2 - Enjoy the company of my nephews and my family
3 - Enjoy my work
4 - Sitting cross knitting
5 - Visiting blogs my friends and read the sweet comments you leave me
6-Go to my village where I was born and breathe the air and recharge the batteries.
Pictured in the top right you can see the Douro River, separating Spain and Portugal. 7 - Leaning to the lookout, a backwater where time stops and any problems will be forgotten. From there you see the Douro by natural border. From the right vantage point there is this other perspective. This I see from my room in the house of my parents, and I saw a child from the grandmother's house. Do you understand it is the ideal place to unwind, relax and enjoy? 8 - Visiting these places with my husband as the "Well of Smoke ", where water has a free fall of 50 meters on the granite wall 9 - A solitary walk to enjoy the beautiful sunset over the world to me. At bottom, the river Tormes just before its confluence with the Douro and after passing the barrier of Almond. 10-Continue to share these with you all
must pass to 10 friends. I know what happened to Maribel , Elena , Patricia , Rosana , Juani , Rosana , Tita , Ivy , Marta Pilar and because they are the first ten friends who commented on the entry before, but I'd be all that you please what cogais and so we all know a little more.
Thank you all for spending a little time here.


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