Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pokemon Leaf Green Money Hack

4 th and 5 th OBJECTIVE QUAKER

So leaving the medallions are the Quaker, who already know that I decided to do monochrome (how not?) And I like the result, is entertaining and go embroidering this design. Other details of the medallions: This award is called the blog ARTE Y PICO that rewards creativity and art. Dedicated it to me Amparo Thank you!

1) You must choose a 5 blog that you think are deserving of this award for their creativity, design, interesting material and contribution to the blogger community, regardless of language.
2) Each award has to have the name of the author and link to your blog for all to visit.
3) Each award must show the award and put the name and link al blog de la persona que la ha premiado.
4) Premiada y premiadora, debe exhibir el enlace de Arte y pico, para que todas sepan el origen de este premio.
5) Exhibir estas reglas
Me gustaría dedicarselo a todas mis amigas, pero como las reglas son las reglas, yo se lo mando a las cinco primeras amigas que comentaron la entrada anterior:
Juani , Rosa , Inma , Begoña y Tania ¡Es tan díficil elegir 5! Espero, como dice Amparo, que ruede y pronto lo tengáis todas. Gracias por vuestras visitas


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